Hi, I'm Paul, a Data Scientist.
Hi, I'm Paul, a Data Scientist.
Overview of some past projects.
Big Data Wrangling Using Hadoop, AWS and PySpark.
Big Data Wrangling Using Hadoop, AWS and PySpark.
Tools: Python, PySpark, Hadoop, AWS.
Visual Analytics in TableauÂ
Visual Analytics in TableauÂ
Tools: Tableau, MySQL
Natural Language Processing of Hotel Reviews
Natural Language Processing of Hotel Reviews
Tools: Python, MySQL
Using Machine Learning to Reduce the Human/Medical Cost of Diabetes
Using Machine Learning to Reduce the Human/Medical Cost of Diabetes
Deploying machine learning model with Heroku and flask app
Deploying machine learning model with Heroku and flask app
BrainStation-Canada Goose 2022 Hackaton
BrainStation-Canada Goose 2022 Hackaton
Analysis of BIXI business data using SQL
Analysis of BIXI business data using SQL
Statistical Analysis of West Nile Virus Incidence in Chicago
Statistical Analysis of West Nile Virus Incidence in Chicago
Linear Regression: Basic ML modelling
Linear Regression: Basic ML modelling